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National Purple Heart Day Honors 1.9 Million Recipients, Established by George Washington
Aug 7, 2024, 01:33 PM
On August 7, the United States observes National Purple Heart Day, a day dedicated to honoring the bravery and sacrifices of military service members who have been wounded or killed in action. The Purple Heart, originally established as the 'Badge of Military Merit' by General George Washington in 1782 during the Revolutionary War, is the nation's oldest military award still in use. Since its reinstatement in 1932, nearly 1.9 million American soldiers have received this prestigious decoration. The medal features Washington's likeness set inside a purple heart, symbolizing the courage and selflessness of its recipients. Various officials and organizations across the country, including members of Congress and the Department of Defense, have expressed their gratitude and respect for the 1.8 million Purple Heart recipients, emphasizing the importance of remembering their sacrifices in defense of the nation's freedoms.
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