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Bill Gates Breaks Ground on Next-Gen Natrium Nuclear Plant in Kemmerer, Wyoming
Jun 11, 2024, 01:06 PM
Bill Gates has initiated the construction of the first-ever Natrium nuclear power plant in Kemmerer, Wyoming. This project, led by TerraPower, aims to develop next-generation nuclear technology that is safer, cheaper, and capable of producing zero-carbon energy. The groundbreaking ceremony brought together TerraPower leaders, government officials, and industry champions. The Natrium reactor, a molten salt small reactor, is designed to meet the surging electricity demands driven by artificial intelligence and data centers. Gates has invested over $1 billion into TerraPower, emphasizing the importance of nuclear power in addressing climate change and energy needs. According to a US Energy Department official, next-generation nuclear power “can’t fail.” The technology, supported by figures like Alvin Weinberg at Oak Ridge, had been dormant for decades.
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