Will Turkey take control of the Al-Hol camp in Syria by end of 2025?
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Official announcements from Turkish authorities or international news agencies
Turkey to Eliminate PKK/YPG in Syria, Urges U.S. to Reconsider Collaboration
Dec 15, 2024, 09:12 AM
Turkish Defense Minister Yaşar Güler has announced that the PKK/YPG terrorist organization will be eliminated in Syria, a goal supported by both the new Syrian administration and Turkey. Güler emphasized that neither the Syrian people, the new government, nor Turkey will allow the group to act independently or create space for itself. Foreign fighters from the organization will be required to leave Syria, while Syrian members will need to disarm. This statement comes in the context of recent changes in Syria, where the opposition has taken control of significant areas, including Deyrizor, previously a major income source for the PKK/YPG. The minister also highlighted that Turkey has no issues with the Kurdish population in Iraq or Syria, only with terrorists. Furthermore, he mentioned that Turkey has communicated to the United States its readiness to control the Al-Hol camp, where thousands of Daesh terrorists and their families are detained, and has urged the U.S. to reconsider its stance on collaborating with the PKK/YPG in the fight against terrorism.
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