Will Google's Willow chip be used commercially by end of 2025?
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Google's Willow Chip: Quantum Leap in Computing Power, Hints at Parallel Universes
Dec 12, 2024, 03:20 PM
Google has unveiled Willow, a new quantum computing chip that has demonstrated significant advancements in error correction and computational power. Willow completed a computation in under five minutes that would take the world's fastest supercomputers 10 septillion years to complete, showcasing its potential to revolutionize fields like drug discovery, fusion energy, and battery design. The chip's performance on the random circuit sampling (RCS) benchmark was described as 'astonishing' by Google's Vice President of Engineering, Hartmut Neven, who also suggested that Willow's speed lends credence to the notion of quantum computation occurring in parallel universes, in line with the idea of quantum parallelism proposed by Oxford University physicist David Deutsch. This breakthrough in quantum error correction, where increasing the number of qubits actually reduces error rates, marks a crucial step towards practical quantum computing applications, especially in the context of quantum mechanics.
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