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Former Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef Urges Ultra-Orthodox Jews Not to Enlist in IDF, Sparks Outrage
Dec 15, 2024, 08:03 AM
Former Sephardi Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, a spiritual leader of the Shas Party, has sparked controversy by advising ultra-Orthodox Jews, including those who are unemployed, not to enlist in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). His comments have drawn widespread condemnation from Israeli political leaders across the spectrum. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office described the remarks as 'unacceptable and deserving of complete condemnation,' emphasizing that refusal to serve would not be tolerated. Opposition leader Yair Lapid criticized the call for draft evasion during wartime as crossing a red line, endangering democracy and undermining Israel's future. Education Minister Yoav Kisch labeled the statements as 'scandalous' and harmful to Israeli society. President Isaac Herzog also condemned the remarks, stressing the importance of IDF service as a privilege and warning against any calls for refusal or non-volunteering. Rabbi Yosef's comments come amidst ongoing debates over military conscription for the ultra-Orthodox community, with the Shas Party advocating for exemptions from military service.
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