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VisitHow much will the 'No on 3' campaign spend by the November 2024 election?
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Public campaign finance reports
Billionaire Ken Griffin Pledges $12 Million to Oppose Florida's Amendment 3, $20 Million Total
Aug 2, 2024, 07:40 PM
Billionaire hedge fund CEO Ken Griffin is making a significant financial commitment to oppose the legalization of recreational marijuana in Florida. Griffin, who is also the CEO of Citadel and a donor to Governor Ron DeSantis, has pledged $12 million to the 'No on 3' campaign. This donation is part of a larger $20 million that Griffin has committed to spend in Florida this election season. Griffin's opposition to Amendment 3, which he describes as a 'terrible plan to create the nation’s most expansive and destructive marijuana laws,' underscores his strong stance against the proposed legislation on the November ballot.
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Pro-Amendment 3 exceeds $50 million • 25%
Pro-Amendment 3 between $30 million and $50 million • 25%
Against Amendment 3 exceeds $50 million • 25%
Against Amendment 3 between $30 million and $50 million • 25%
Pro-Prop 36 groups • 25%
Anti-Prop 36 groups • 25%
Independent groups • 25%
Other • 25%
Exceeds $150 million • 25%
Between $100 million and $150 million • 25%
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Kamala Harris • 50%
Donald Trump • 50%
Other Democratic Candidate • 25%
Other Republican Candidate • 25%
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Less than $100 million • 25%
$100 million to $200 million • 25%
$200 million to $300 million • 25%
Over $300 million • 25%
Yes • 50%
No • 50%
Groups linked to George Soros • 25%
Pro-life organizations • 25%
Local Florida political groups • 25%
Other national political organizations • 25%
Less than $120 million • 25%
$120 million to $140 million • 25%
$140 million to $160 million • 25%
More than $160 million • 25%
No • 50%
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No • 50%
Yes • 50%
Decrease in support by up to 10% • 25%
Increase in support by more than 10% • 25%
Decrease in support by more than 10% • 25%
Increase in support by up to 10% • 25%