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VisitHow many migrants will receive debit cards in NYC by the end of 2024?
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Official NYC government reports or statistics
NYC Expands Debit Card Program, $1,400 for 7,300 Migrants Amid Controversy
Jul 5, 2024, 05:56 PM
New York City is expanding its pilot program to issue pre-paid debit cards to migrants, allocating millions of dollars to the initiative. The program will now include 7,300 migrants, with families receiving $1,400 debit cards and free hotel stays. This expansion has sparked controversy, with critics arguing that it will encourage more illegal migrants to settle in the city, which they claim is already struggling to handle the current influx. NYC Comptroller Brad Lander is among the officials supporting the program, which aims to provide financial assistance to migrants.
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Less than 200 • 25%
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