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VisitHow many copies will xAI's first game sell within 6 months of release?
Less than 500,000 copies • 25%
500,000 to 1 million copies • 25%
1 million to 2 million copies • 25%
More than 2 million copies • 25%
Sales data from industry reports or official xAI announcements
xAI to Revolutionize Gaming with AI Studio, Aiming to 'Make Games Great Again'
Nov 27, 2024, 05:08 PM
Elon Musk has announced that xAI, his artificial intelligence company, will launch an AI game studio with the aim to 'make games great again.' This initiative comes as a response to Musk's critique of the current state of game studios, which he believes are overly influenced by large corporations and have prioritized 'wokeness' over quality gaming experiences. xAI, which currently possesses the world's most powerful training cluster, plans to leverage AI technology to revolutionize gameplay, potentially making games more intelligent and interactive.
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Less than 1 million copies • 25%
1-2 million copies • 25%
2-3 million copies • 25%
More than 3 million copies • 25%
Yes • 50%
No • 50%
90-100 • 25%
80-89 • 25%
70-79 • 25%
Below 70 • 25%
Excellent (85-100) • 25%
Good (70-84) • 25%
Average (50-69) • 25%
Poor (below 50) • 25%
15-20 million • 25%
20-25 million • 25%
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Over 30 million • 25%
1 million copies • 25%
2 million copies • 25%
5 million copies • 25%
10 million copies • 25%
More than 5 partnerships • 25%
3 to 5 partnerships • 25%
1 to 2 partnerships • 25%
No partnerships • 25%
Less than 5 million • 25%
5 - 10 million • 25%
10 - 15 million • 25%
More than 15 million • 25%
Less than 5 million copies • 25%
5 to 10 million copies • 25%
10 to 15 million copies • 25%
More than 15 million copies • 25%
Yes • 50%
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Strategy • 25%
Simulation • 25%
RPG • 25%
Action • 25%