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VisitHow many additional countries will recognize Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara by the end of 2024?
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Official announcements from the respective countries
France Recognizes Moroccan Sovereignty Over Western Sahara; Algeria Withdraws Ambassador
Jul 30, 2024, 11:48 AM
France has officially recognized Morocco's autonomy plan for the Western Sahara region, marking a significant shift in its decades-long stance. President Emmanuel Macron stated that the present and future of Western Sahara fall within the framework of Moroccan sovereignty. This move aligns France with other countries such as the United States and Israel, who have also recognized Moroccan sovereignty over the disputed territory. The decision is expected to spur investment in the mineral-rich region but has already provoked a strong reaction from Algeria, which has announced the immediate withdrawal of its ambassador from France. The recognition by France is seen as a major diplomatic victory for Morocco and a potential catalyst for further international support for its position on Western Sahara. The move also underscores the stalled UN-mediated peace process and is viewed as the only basis for a lasting resolution.
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Spain • 25%
Germany • 25%
Italy • 25%
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