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Curve Founder Faces $140M CRV Liquidation, $95.7M Borrowed, CRV Drops 12%
Jun 13, 2024, 03:04 AM
Curve founder Michael Egorov is facing significant financial challenges as $140 million worth of CRV is nearing liquidation. Egorov has borrowed $95.7 million in stablecoins, primarily crvUSD, across five accounts and five protocols, using $141 million in CRV as collateral. The current rates require Egorov to pay $60 million annually to maintain his positions. However, many of his positions are actively liquidating, causing some protocols to incur bad debt. The situation has led to a 12% drop in CRV's value within the last hour. The $CRV ticking timebomb has finally exploded, and many protocols with unsiloed liquidity are advised to exit.
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$20 - $40 • 25%
$40 - $60 • 25%
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Increase by more than 50% • 25%
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Above $2 billion • 25%
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Remains stable (±10%) • 34%
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Above $0.50 • 25%
$0.10 - $0.30 • 25%
Below $0.10 • 25%
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