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VisitComplex organic molecules in 55 Cancri e's atmosphere by 2025
Simple Organic Molecules • 33%
Complex Organic Molecules • 33%
No Organic Molecules • 34%
NASA reports or scientific journal publications
NASA Detects Atmosphere on Scorching Rocky Exoplanet 55 Cancri e, 41 Light-Years Away
May 8, 2024, 08:00 PM
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope, operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, has potentially detected atmospheric gases surrounding 55 Cancri e, a scorching rocky exoplanet located 41 light-years away from Earth. This discovery marks a significant milestone as it represents the best evidence to date of a rocky planet with an atmosphere outside our solar system. The planet, also known as Janssen, is almost nine times the size of Earth and has a molten rock surface, making it uninhabitable despite its thick atmosphere.
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Carbon Dioxide • 25%
Methane • 25%
Nitrogen • 25%
Oxygen • 25%
NASA and ESA • 25%
NASA and Roscosmos • 25%
NASA and CNSA • 25%
No new collaborations • 25%
Oxygen • 25%
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Water (H2O) • 25%
Methane (CH4) • 25%
Ammonia (NH3) • 25%
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Confirmation of active volcanic centers • 25%
Evidence of recent volcanic eruptions • 25%
Discovery of new mineral types • 25%
Detection of organic compounds • 25%
New ice melting rates • 25%
Unprecedented atmospheric phenomena • 25%
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No Significant Impact • 34%
Supports Existing Theories • 33%
Challenges Existing Theories • 33%