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VisitApple Sued Over 'All-Seeing Eye' Policy; Employee Alleges Spying and Silencing
Dec 2, 2024, 09:31 PM
Apple is facing a lawsuit filed by a current employee who accuses the company of illegally monitoring employees' personal devices and iCloud accounts through what is referred to as an 'All-Seeing Eye' policy. The lawsuit alleges that Apple requires employees to install software on their personal devices, allowing the company to access personal emails, photo libraries, health data, and smart home data, even when they are at home. Additionally, the employee claims that Apple enforces policies that restrict workers from discussing pay and working conditions, effectively silencing them and violating their freedom of speech. The employee also alleges being forced to edit their LinkedIn profile. The lawsuit asserts that these invasive practices chill employee whistleblowing, competition, and freedom of speech. Apple's policies have been described as 'notoriously invasive.' Apple has denied the allegations, stating that they are unfounded.
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